By Brent Thompson

Photo Courtesy of the Artist
Athens, GA-based band Five Eight has been recording and performing for over 30 years, but now the quartet’s story is being documented on screen as well. On Sunday, March 9, Saturn will host a screening of the band’s documentary film Weirdo: The Story of Five Eight along with a Q&A with director Marc Pilvinsky. Recently, we spoke with Pilvinsky and the band’s Mike Mantione by phone.
Southern Stages: Marc and Mike, thanks for your time. How did the two of you originally meet and how did the idea for a documentary take flight?
Marc Pilvinsky: I went to the University of Georgia and lived in Athens in the early ’90s and that was when Five Eight was becoming extremely popular and signing to record labels. You would listen to records – they were fantastic records – and in their live shows they would blow the doors off the place every time. I just was a fan and I ended up reviewing them for the local paper and we sort of went our separate ways for a while. When I moved back to Georgia, Mike and I got in contact and we started talking about doing this documentary. I had some idea of the Five Eight story, but the more I dove into it – and the more I talked to these guys – it was just an enormous and really interesting, emotional, hilarious and heartbreaking story. I couldn’t wait to do this movie.
Southern Stages: How long ago was the idea hatched to make this film?
Pilvinsky: [Laughs] This movie took nine years to make.
Southern Stages: Mike, were you always open to idea of a documentary or did you need some convincing?
Mike Mantione: I think that I trusted Marc and convinced Marc that there was a story there. Over the last nine years, Five Eight has continued to do exciting things and part of the story is that [Marc and the band] worked off of each other. We got to tell our story but the story doesn’t seem to stop – I think it was hard for Marc to step away and pick and endpoint.
Pilvinsky: It’s true. You start a documentary and you don’t know how it’s going to end. These guys just kept doing interesting things so it took nine years to make it.
Southern Stages: I assume Covid accounted for a delay in the process.
Pilvinsky: It sure did. But it allowed me to stop editing the movie and I kept shooting new things with the band. I sort of stopped looking at the movie because I had a finished version of it in 2019 or what I thought was a finished version. But as the pandemic gave us time to rethink it, it began to feel like a movie that somebody else had made. I lost the close, personal touch I had with the movie and the problems with it became really clear to me. I was able to remove all these side tangents and really focus on the spine of the story that I wanted to tell. It’s a much better movie and it changed by probably 50% between 2019 and last year.
Southern Stages: What were the challenges in making the film?
Pilvinsky: For me, it was the sheer amount of material. I’m an editor by trade and I always want as many camera angles as possible and I want every piece of archival material there is about the subject. But with Five Eight it was really enormous – I have probably 100 live shows on videotape and thousands of photographs from the past 37 years. Trying to figure out what the story is and do I have the right material to illustrate that story – that was really time-consuming because it’s a really big subject. I could make two other movies with stuff that I didn’t put in this one [laughs].
Southern Stages: Mike, we are also excited to have new music from Five Eight in addition to the film.
Mantione: To Mark’s point, when he stopped making the movie I had a lot of time on my hands during the pandemic and wrote most of the new record. I wrote a ton of material and I think it’s one of our finest. We’re really excited about the new single. and we are really excited about the documentary. The response has been overwhelming – people understand the band better than ever before. It’s been very affirming for Five Eight and all the work we’ve put in over the years – we really thank Marc so much.
Southern Stages: Mike, with a large catalog of songs under your belt at this point. how do you comprise your band’s setlists these days?
Mantione: I don’t [laughs]. We have a list of songs, but it’s really about the audience and what’s happening. We don’t have an enormous production staff and it gives me a ton of freedom to create a setlist right off the top of my head than the original list itself. If we’re going a direction and it’s not working, we can switch gears. It’s a loose and exciting way to do it.
Southern Stages: Marc, any parting thoughts?
Pilvinsky: One of my favorite things about Five Eight is this tension between these seasoned pros who have been playing together for over 30 years on one side. On the other side, the fact that they don’t have a setlist and Mike may start playing a song that they haven’t played in 12 years and the rest of the band has to figure it out as quick as possible. Sometimes it’s hilarious and sometimes it’s magic. But that tension is really beautiful and speaks to the way that these guys keep each other on their toes all the time.
On Sunday, March 9, Saturn will host a screening of Weirdo: The Story of Five Eight along with a filmmaker Q&A. The screening will be followed by a live set from the band. The Pauses will open the 7 p.m. show. Advance tickets to the 18+ show are $12 and can be purchased at